Beauty and Skincare Ads: A Complete Guide With Examples

beauty and skincare ads

The beauty and skincare industry has been experiencing a massive boom.

And it’s not stopping, since the global skincare market is projected to keep growing at a cool 5.3% compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2021 to 2028.

That’s a lot of potential customers just waiting to discover the incredible products and stories your brand offers. But when the demand is high, the competition follows.

💬 At Top Growth Marketing, we understand the importance of creating compelling skincare ads that engage and resonate with your target audience. That’s why our beauty industry clients experience exponential growth.

In this article, we will share powerful strategies that make the pathway to perfect and converting ads that will help your brand to be as loved as the latest skincare routine trend. Let’s dive in!

Why Do You Need a Well Thought-Out Marketing Strategy For Beauty and Skincare Ads?

Is your production more tailored and slow?

Or…are you aiming to deal with big brands like Sephora, whose parent brand “LVHM” had an $82,6B rev in 2022? Or Dove with an $8.5B revenue in the same year?

Guess what? It doesn’t really matter.

In the highly competitive world of beauty and skincare, having a well-thought-out marketing strategy is crucial for success. No matter how big or small you are.

And here are the three key fundamentals for such a strategy.

1. Targeted Audience Engagement

Remember, your customers want to feel understood. And a well-defined marketing strategy allows you to identify and connect with your target audience effectively.

Understanding their demographics, preferences, and pain points enables you to craft tailored messages that resonate with each of your potential shoppers.

Also, skincare advertising just has to connect to the social impact the brand is causing:

  • How sustainable is your brand?
  • What’s its primary mission?
  • Is your beauty and skincare brand ethical?

And many, many more.

By focusing your efforts on the right audience, you can maximize engagement and increase the chances of converting them into loyal customers.

A strategic approach ensures that your ads reach the right people at the right time, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaign.


2. Brand Differentiation

Since the beauty and skincare industry is saturated, standing out from your competitors and positioning yourself in the market is crucial.

Hence, a well-thought-out marketing strategy helps you define and communicate your unique selling propositions effectively to your target audience.

By highlighting your products’ key features and benefits, you can differentiate your brand from others and establish a strong brand identity.

A strategic approach enables you to position your brand as a leader in the industry, capturing attention and building trust among consumers.

Milk Makeup, for example, positions itself as a vegan and cruelty-free brand.

3. Optimized Allocation of Resources

With limited resources, it’s important to allocate your budget and efforts wisely.

In e-commerce, a comprehensive marketing strategy allows you to identify the most effective channels and tactics for promoting your beauty and skincare products.

Sometimes it’s just social ads or PPC, other times it’s a full-scope e-commerce marketing strategy.

How to Market a Beauty and Skincare Brand?

Beauty ads are the undisputed kings of social media engagement.

According to Sharablee Health & Beauty brands had 32% of the global share of social media actions in 2019. And if they browse and they share, they buy, right?

With so many people engaging with this type of content, you might imagine increasing sales is easy. But viewers don’t always mean consumers.

That’s why having an accurate marketing strategy is crucial for your e-commerce, getting your message out there, and increasing your internet sales.

#1 Get to Know Your Audience

By analyzing market trends and consumer behavior, you can determine the platforms and strategies that yield the best results.

This optimization ensures that your resources are utilized efficiently, maximizing the return on investment and driving long-term growth.

#2 Choose Your Acquisition Platforms

As shared by Forbes, 42% of 18-24 beauty brand consumers are directly inspired by social media. And when it comes to beauty ads, it’s mostly Instagram that gets the creative juices flowing.

A Havard School Business study confirms: 62% of women follow influencers on social media. Until 2020, 90% of all beauty-related posts came from Instagram.

Today, TikTok might’ve snatched a piece of that pie.

But Which social media works best? Well, it depends on your audience. Observe viewers, leads, clients, and cross-platform data to extract the necessary information.

#3 Have the Perfect Ad Copy and Creative

The secret to a good beauty ad is creating copy and ad creatives that cater to desire.

If you’re not showing real-life usage, make sure you’re at least connecting with the right symbols.

Maybe it’s the colorful or neutral package, the detail of a product applied on the skin, or even the texture of the untouched product…

pixi beauty ad copy and creative
Pixi Beauty – Facebook ad copy

When it comes to beauty ads, let your creativity shine! Focus on crafting eye-catching visuals, catchy copy, and messages that resonate with your audience.

By doing so, you’ll be able to create a friendly and inviting atmosphere that sets your brand apart from the rest.

A little sprinkle of creativity goes a long way in making your beauty ads stand out, build brand awareness, and drive those wonderful conversions you’re after.

IMPORTANT: Every platform has its own rules. Make sure that creatives and copy are compelling but also don’t break any of the platform’s rules. For example, Meta explicitly forbids making health claims in your ads, so you’ll have to work around it.

#4 Make a Retention Strategy

Your ads shouldn’t just attract new prospects, they should be able to retain them or get previous shoppers back.

If somebody loved the new formula mascara ad so much to interact with it, why wouldn’t you offer them the same collection’s eyeliner?

n1o1 facebook remarketing ad example
N1o1 Facebook remarketing ad example – Hit interested audience with special offers and discounts

Target customers who have made previous purchases with upsells, cross-sells, and enticing discounts help retain valued customers.

🛒 Read more: If you’re a Shopify merchant, there are a bunch of apps that we’ve written about that can help you with retention. Check them out.

Show them related products or complementary items that might pique their interest, encouraging repeat purchases.

Don’t forget: The most important retention channel is e-mail marketing. Set up a lead generation strategy, get that first-party data, and retarget them with tailored email campaigns.

Skincare and Beauty Ads Best Practices

As said, the skincare and beauty industry puts you in a fierce, competitive arena.

However, there are a bunch of tried and tested strategies a skincare brand can do to drive conversions and traffic and build healthy customer relationships.

We followed these tips in our marketing agency drive to drive more sales for hundreds of skincare and beauty brands.

UGC: User-Generated Videos Are a Must-Have

User-generated content can easily be transformed into ads, and they tend to convert 5 x more than a professionally made ad.

Now, to make them happen, then you should always stimulate reviews, have good post-purchase actions, and make sure

Reviews: Let Customers Do the Talking

For beauty products, reviews are mandatory.

If your customers can’t touch or try the products on their own, they’ll have to rely on someone else’s experience.

ua body review beauty and skincare ad for facebook
UA Body ad – User reviews are the biggest social proof your brand can have

Otherwise, you’re not only risking buying ineffective products, but you may also risk your skin health.

Social proof is the badge your brand needs to sell those products. They are perfect to make any doubt vanish.

Influencer Marketing Makes Great Advertising

Influencers can do a world of good for your brand.

Whitelisting is a practice that will elevate simple reviews to the status of reviews made but true experts that do well for their community.

Pixi influencer beauty and skincare ad
Pixi Instagram ad – Influencers can boost your brand awareness and increase trust, but be careful which ones you’ll

So having an influencer ad means more reach and more engaged prospects.

Guide: Check out our deep dive into Influencer Marketing ads to know the difference between influencer types as well as a detailed step-by-step guide to conducting an influencer marketing campaign.

Get great creatives with the help of AI

With some product images and a good definition of where you want to take your brand as well as the target you want to reach, making a perfect e-commerce ad is easier with AI.

Try Chat GPT, Google Bard, and Midjourney.

With some information and a good team that know how to interpret those, AI can speed up the

Keep An Eye Out On Competitors…

Examining competitors’ ad creatives, target audience segmentation, and messaging tone can help you identify gaps in the market, differentiate your brand, and refine your own ad campaigns.

By keeping a close eye on your competitors, you can stay ahead of the game, adapt your strategies accordingly, and continually innovate to maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic beauty industry.

Also, if you need some help with competitor analysis, reach out!

Pro Tip: If you’re unsure who your competitors are, use SEO tools like SemRush and Ahrefs to find competing pages. On Facebook, check out “related pages” for recommendations. Understand your competition to refine your strategies and stand out in the market.

…But Recognize Your Brand’s Uniqueness.

What really makes your ads stand out is how they resonate with your audience.

For that to happen, you have to go further than market research and AI. Give some credit to your brand’s story, and the unique way your brand positions itself in the market.

And that’s what will be the main conversion driver when you start creating ads.

What are you looking for?


Top Growth Marketing

TGM has spent more than $300 Million across social & search advertising platforms. Let us help grow your business using the best, performance-based customer acquisition strategies. 

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